Sorry I haven't blogged in over a month, but I just haven't been able to really write lately. So just some general updates...they 'fixed' my windows, so now they have screens in them, which is good for bugs and bad for everything else :(. Uh, I went to a gay/lesbian bar in the Valley which was lots and lots of fun, I have a few pictures up on facebook. I went on a trip to Sydney which was awesome/terrible. The awesome part was everything that we did, we took a ferry to this amazingly beautiful beach called Manly, saw this amazingly hot guy from the Bronx who did a breakdancing routine. We went on a THREE-HOUR walking tour of Sydney. I think I know Sydney better than I know St.Louis, lol. Exhausting, but fun. There's pictures. Oh yeah, so the terrible thing about Sydney was that I had no money!! When I booked my plane ticket, they charged it to my account three times, so I was short about $500 and basically was scrounging around on the little cash that I had in my wallet until my dad saved the day (as always).
Um...oh yeah, we went on a camping trip, my friend Lea and I, with some of her friend's friends. We went to this amazingly beautiful mountain, Mt. Mee and I can't really explain the beauty of it all, but just imagine lots of very very green trees against a very very blue sky with very very white clouds. And there was a stream that made the most relaxing gurgly noises. Accross the stream was this huge rock and one night we went out and sat on the rock and looked at all 43 bajillion and two stars. Later that night I was pretty scared because I was getting all claustrophobic and stuff and there were animals bothering our cooking stuff, I could hear metal banging while I was trying to sleep. Thank God I had my iPod or I would have gone ballistic. So on the way back, we drove down all these long country roads with curves and dips and it really reminded me of joy-riding at home with the fam but I wasn't homesick because I was too happy. We stopped at one point as the sun was going down and hopped this fence and sat on a hill that overlooked an incredible amount of hilly land, and there were cows grazing down below us. That ride was definitely one of the best I've ever gone for and I saw some of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. Sorry I don't have more pictures, I left my camera, so these are from Lea's.

Lea sitting on top of the shed where we stopped.

The view from the shed.

Leah and me doing our
'gangsta', eh?

I told you. Very very blue sky, very very green grass...
nature is amazingly beautiful.
So, on that camping trip there was this guy who asked me if I was an American negro and I said ", not quite" and then later he used the word nigga (but not directed at me). Maggie says I should have said something, and yeah I was kind of bothered by it, but I din't say anything to him, just because I don't think I could've mustered the energy to put much effort into explaining everything that was wrong with what he said. While talking to Maggie I realized that I just really don't care that much. I don't know if that's a bad thing, I mean, maybe I should care, but whether or not people should say nigger or any derivative thereof is just a battle that I don't care to fight. Maybe it's because I don't know how I feel about the situation. Actually, now that I think about it, a white American guy on my trip said nigga and I didn't even wince. He looked at me after he said it, waitng for me to say something, and I just cracked a joke of some sort. Somebody convince me of why I should probably care. Please. Because right now, I just don't. I'm not going to tell anyone they can't say nigga if I still say it myself, most black rappers use the word in their lyrics, and most black young people I know use it in their everyday lives. I know where it comes from, what it was used for, and why it's offensive to many people. But if we supposedly use the word affectionately to eliminate the sting, the the word shouldn't sting when anyone else says it. And if it using it doesn't eliminate the sting, no one should be using it, especially black people. (How do I always end up blogging about race somehow? I didn't intend to this time, but somehow it always pops up...)
But anyway, Australia's chill, I'm happy, I also miss home an incredible amount. I'm looking for a job for July and August, can start in the middle of June if it's absolutely inevitable and/or pays enough, so if you know anything, get at me. I'm really excited because my sister is about to have a baby.